British Water News, House of Lords Reception.
Pump Technology Ltd joins British Water and several hundred guests from the water industry and supply chain at the House of Lords Reception. It was an enjoyable evening to listen to speech’s reference the polices on water supply, sewage, flooding and SuDs. We were also given updates to the live debate taking place on the new Government Water Bill for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Pump Technology Ltd already help several water companies in preventing internal flooding to properties thanks to our supply of the Jung Pumpen Compli sewage lifting station, now proven across thousands of sites here in the UK.
The recent partnership with Kingspan Environmental also enables the Pump Technology Project Team to help Housing Developers and Local Authorities not only with adoptable sewage pumping stations but also their SuDs requirements. For example storm tanks, combined sewage pumping station & storm tank, rainwater harvesting.
For information about waste water, sewage, flood prevention and SuDs call the Pump Technology Ltd Project Team. Tel 01189 821555.
Stop Press- Please see the New Flood Box helping those unfortunate victims of flooding to clean up their properties easier.