Gambia – Africa’s “Smiling Coast”
Gambians lovingly call their country the “Smiling Coast,” and it’s easy to see why. Despite life’s challenges, you’ll be met with warm smiles, kind words, and a contagious sense of humour. The true treasure of this nation lies in the warmth and generosity of its people which is why our MD and his wife decided to travel there for a second time on their annual holiday at the end of 2024.
On their first visit to Gunjur Village (West coast region) in November 2023, they became good friends with the young lad who cleaned their room, Ismaila Saidy, or better known as Smiley.
On this occasion, they were invited to the village for lunch, and were shown around and told of the plans they had in mind to improve living conditions. Not only for themselves but also for the wider family within the community. They talked about a water supply, W/C, Shower/taps, cooking facilities. The desire to achieve this was very apparent and although their enthusiasm rolled off them in waves, they did not ask, and weren’t expecting any financial assistance.
A year later on arrival Jon noticed that none of the works had been carried out, he assumed it was just down to a lack of funds as enthusiasm and need were very high. As is the norm for Jon, he got chatting with the plumber who explained the scope of works whilst guiding them round the proposed site. The existing well was open topped with no cover and the surrounding area was seriously dangerous especially for the children. He assured Jon that he was capable to carry out the works required and within the hour had provided us with a quote.
That set the wheels in motion for Jon, who simply had to do something to turn this around. Smiley introduced Bakary Saidy who runs a local company Bakaruna Plumbing Drilling and Electrical who managed to pull together all the parts needed for the project.
On return to the UK the funds were secured and sent over and true to the plumbers word, with a little help from the community within 2 weeks the work was completed.
No more getting water from a hole in the ground and a bucket on a string, no more dangerous situations for the young children and running water for the first time for these guys and the wider community.
All in a days work for Jon, even while supposedly on holiday!