
Latest news

1711, 2021

New design of the U3 Series

By |November 17th, 2021|

With all their features, the U3 K and U3 KS are still the essential helpers in the house and garden. They are more versatile than almost any other pump:

410, 2021

SoPHE Annual Dinner 2021

By |October 4th, 2021|

Pump Technology Ltd, is an active Industrial Associate Member to the Society of Public Health Engineers and has been invited by the SoPHE committee to sponsor a table at its Annual Dinner.

2607, 2021

Continuous Professional Development

By |July 26th, 2021|

As part of our commitment to our clients, we provide continuous professional development opportunities, pre-covid that took the form of 'lunch and learn' opportunities where we would bring you lunch and take you through a range of products.

Let Pump Technology Ltd take the strain: One Company, One Solution, One CALL

To get technical help for the right specification the first time, call 0118 9821 555

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