One Stop Shop for Drainage Engineers
Drain Engineers are always solving problems such as blocked drains, flooding, worn out and faulty pumping equipment, outdated systems and plenty more. Finding a solution for the client could involve anything from simply removing debris to replacing a pump, or providing a full site survey and installation of new pumping equipment, controls and alarms.
Having the support of a dedicated pumping specialist that will provide experienced advice and a “One Stop Pump Shop” for submersible pumps, floats, control panels, pumping chambers, kiosks, grates etc. makes life quick, easy and ensures the solution is right first time.
Mark Fielding, Managing Director from H2o Flow Tech Ltd, says “We utilise Pump Technology’s in-house drainage consultant Steve Murphy, to help us size pumping chambers for the many commercial sites we are asked to upgrade and maintain”.
Pump Technology Ltd manufactures its own GRP tanks. These are bespoke to the site requirements, not only depth and diameter to provide the required storage, but also position and elevation of the inlets for the best layout and easy installation.
Mark says “Pump Technologies flexibility means we use them for a range of our needs, for example pumps and floats as well as their tanks!”.
Rick Peacock of Basement Pumps Ltd, says “We utilise Pump Technology for a wide range of drainage pumps. These are readily available and if I do come across an unusual pump the team are able to identify it, source a like-for-like or, if it has been superseded, accurately select an equivalent”.
Additionally, Pump Technology supply pump spares and pumping station components – NRV, guide rails, galvanised pipes, floats, cover, panels, kiosks and much more.
For drainage companies it’s also important to keep up-to-date with the latest products. For example, the New, small and simple, final effluent, single and twin, below ground pumping station, the FE-Matic. This is available as bare tank or assembled with single or multiple pumps.
Also technical support such as the training course with Xylem for the Flygt Concertor system.
Pump Technology Ltd. A true One Stop Pump Shop for Drainage Engineers.