Pumping hot water from a sink with Zip Tap
Standard wastewater pumps are generally only rated for a fluid operating temperature of 40°C, occasionally a maximum of 60°C.
With Zip taps becoming a common feature, handling the drainage from these sinks requires a more robust pump, one that could be regularly subjected to higher liquid temperatures above 40°C plus. However, current dedicated hot water pumps can be relatively large and space below sinks can often be restricted.
Leading wastewater specialist Pump Technology has the solution.
For sinks with Zip taps The Pump Technology technical team looked carefully at the pump options that would fit into their compact DrainMinor.
They decided on the Jung Pumpen U3K Spezial (SL) which has proved itself to be extremely robust over may years of service. This pump features a mechanical seal rather than the lip shaft seal normally found with this small size of submersible pump.
Originally designed for mildly aggressive fluids, the U3K Spezial (SL) has been adopted for many challenging pumping requirements. Many leading fast-food chains, report excellent performance in applications with heavy deposits of coffee granules, milk skin etc.
The DrainMinor features a recyclable polyethylene tank and when the pump is fitted with a low-level float, provides the perfect compact wastewater pumping solution. It also boasts an integral (replaceable) charcoal vent, and a simple-to-remove lid for cleaning and maintenance, enabling easy installation and operation in tight spots.
For commercial kitchen appliances such as combi ovens, pasta makers and dishwashers (also all needing to handle hotter water), the company has developed the DrainMajor wastewater pumping system which features a 730HES hot water pump, suitable for 90°C